Tuesday, January 4, 2005

The ICG for the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific web site

/ tsunami / info /
The International Coordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific web site has all sorts of detailed information about the Indian Ocean tsunami, including an animated gif of the movement of the tsunami in the first two and a half hours, and links other relevant information on the catastrophe.

Also, the NASA earth observatory has (among other data) satellite images from the disaster (i.e. from Little Andaman) and a profile of the height and speed of travel of the tsunami waves.

For those in Greece there is a (national)TV- (private)radio aid marathon happening today. Info for non-greek speakers currently here - in greek see here. There is also an SMS option, where you send the message "ASIA" or "ΑΣΙΑ" to 4536 (only in Greece!) and to donate 1 Euro (per message sent).

I hope the effectiveness of this disaster relief campaign (they had gathered ~20.000 Euros from SMS messages alone in the first hour or so after setting up the special number!), becomes a standard for aid for the many, many huge disasters, natural and man-made, occurring all over the world. Wealthy states would do well to follow the example of Canada.

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